Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Suprematist Composition: Gray on Darker Gray

While the serpent rolls her circles, circles, circles,
Down from between blood-red thighs of darker skin,
Drip coils writhing older than your folded hands.
Jezebel strokes her gnashing wolf pups foaming at the tongue;
She feeds them pearls for swine and slices of her ankle.
And open here your parasol, my dearest lady Juliet,
Eroding lacey rills of petticoat truffles venom leaking from the laces;
Throw it into the green dark wild with poison ivy,
Glistening red-leg vines extend a broad and curling leaf
In coiling, coiling Mother Earth, her knees from wine and muck.
We sing Her praises,
Holy Magdalene.

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