historically, poems like this have been bulleted lists
of the ways in which I will fail you,
the ash in my palms
the flowers that have died in my kitchen
the sheer lack of certainty you would feel
if I were to kiss you twice in a row
but it is January, and I am opening the windows
filling my apartment with fresh air
and something inside of me is saying,
try again
I am drinking coffee in the mornings now
instead of battery acid
and I ask for the things I want
and I say no sometimes
so maybe things are looking up,
I can reach for you and I can find your shoulders
without smearing tar all over your shirt
I am starting to suspect
that the soil in my hair has not been there in vain
flowers are starting to sprout from seeds
I never knew I had planted
I know I have a tendency to fall and scrape my knees
and I’m sure it will happen again while we are walking
together, but
I promise I am getting better at pulling myself up
I promise I will only ask you to give me a hand,
not to throw your back out lifting me from the sidewalk
I am consistently amazed
when I watch you breathe all the way to your toes
while you sleep next to me
it is almost like you are not afraid
that you will wake up to find me shattered, or gone
maybe this is a testament
to the sunflowers I have been swallowing,
it is time to open the cupboards
and let the broken china fall to the floor
and start mending it with molten gold
maybe I can be mended, too
maybe I already am