please do not leave me
(here where lights burn into fire
bright and purple leaks across
my eyelids, please) do not
let me keep me here
I do not belong here, I know
I should be somewhere warmer
clear and candle-yellow with you(r
arms around my hair and your hands
inside my braids) I wish
we could but stay
no please, do not leave
me here alone
without and with
fear, not
(here where lights burn into fire
bright and purple leaks across
my eyelids, please) do not
let me keep me here
I do not belong here, I know
I should be somewhere warmer
clear and candle-yellow with you(r
arms around my hair and your hands
inside my braids) I wish
we could but stay
no please, do not leave
me here alone
without and with
fear, not